Engineering Leaders

The AI meeting assistant to foster high performing teams

Nyota gives managers context they need when they need it. Achieve more with less. Cultivate an elite engineering team culture, even with tight resources.

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Why use Nyota as a manager

Build a high-performing team ready for scale

Nyota boosts consistent decision documentation, ensuring clarity on roles, tasks, and vision. With heightened transparency, engagement surges, priming your team for efficient scaling.

Reclaim 5 hours weekly for team development

Leverage Nyota to automate administrative tasks, from summarizing meetings to flagging important milestones. Redirect saved time towards mentoring, one-on-ones, and skill development for your engineering team.

Integrated with key engineering platforms

Nyota integrates with leading platforms like Github and Jira, providing a unified view of your engineering workflow and tracking DORA metrics to gauge performance and efficiency.

Secure and private by design

Designed from the ground up to prioritize your security and privacy. All data is encrypted at rest, our staff undergoes security trainings, and we adhere to the highest level of security standards.

Meeting preparation

Prepare in seconds and never forget to follow up

Even when you're short on time or have back-to-back meetings, Nyota gets you up to speed in seconds with all the relevant information you need pulled from your past meetings and integrations.

Shared context

Get your whole team on the same page

Never wonder what was decided. Standup updates and meeting takeaways will give your team better visibility into ongoing work. All synced directly to Slack.


Run well balanced meetings

Encourage equal participation, make sure everyone has a chance to speak, in meetings with talking time statistics. Keep a tab on conversation topics to run well balanced 1-on-1s and retrospectives instead of giving status updates.

Topics and Talking itme
Our clients

Trusted by 1000s of managers

Join thousands of teams already using Nyota to build high performing teams

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A day with Nyota

Morning briefing

Start your day knowing exactly what needs to be done. Review action items before the meeting so you don't have to chase them later.


Suggested topics

Nyota suggests agenda items from previous conversations and project management tool, Jira, and Github activity.


Synced with your calendar

Nyota keeps an eye on your calendar and joins relevant meetings automatically.

Or you choose which meetings to sync by adding as a participant.


Accurate meeting notes

Nyota takes notes about your team members' wellbeing, project delivery, collaboration, and growth so you can be fully present and focus on the conversation.


Summaries tailored for different meeting types

We collate all the notes into a summary tailored for every type of meeting, be it a 1-on-1, team retrospective, daily update, or planning.


Access from anywhere

No need to download another app. Share notes to Slack, OneDrive, Notion or Google Drive. Collaborate and keep your follow-ups visible, edit summaries, and prepare for your meetings without leaving the tools you use.


Insights from your meetings

See your meetings in context and get a second pair of eyes. Keep track of repeated topics or recurring issues that might not be obvious at the first glance.


Sign off with confidence

At the end of the day Nyota will ping you to tie up any loose ends and review the day. Sign off knowing you've covered everything.



Nyota can join Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom conferences. It integrates with your favourite developer tools where your team is already working and 100s of other tools through Zapier.

Google Meet
MS Teams
Use cases

Use cases

Learn how different companies integrated Nyota and used its flexibility

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Privacy by design

We have designed Nyota purposefully to foster trust during confidential conversations. Built-in privacy controls for all meeting participants. You own your data, you decide what gets stored and how it’s accessed and processed. We do not store voice recordings and provide tools to delete and redact transcripts. All data is encrypted at rest.

GDPR Compliant